Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Marshmallow

The Marshmallows of Wrath
Zen and the Art of Marshmallow Maintenance

Some of the great literature of the twentieth Century. And now its your turn to focus your thoughts on your list of great literature. What ten books have made an impact in your life? Are there books you re-read because they make you feel good (or bad, I guess)? Are there books that gave you words to live by?

Not all who wander are lost. - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move. - Douglas Adams

All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others. - Animal Farm, George Orwell

Dad, how do soldiers killing each other solve the world's problems? - Calvin and Hobbes

God does not play dice with the universe: He plays an ineffable game of His own devising which might be compared to being involved in an obscure and complex version of poker in a pitch-dark room, with blank cards, for infinite stakes, with a Dealer who won't tell you the rules and who smiles all the time. --Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchet

and Shakespeare's classic: Hamlet (holding a skull): "This is Yorick, I can tell." Horatio: "Boy, you must have known him well." - Green Eggs and Hamlet

So start your list. Then start to narrow it down from the 35 you thought of to 10. Tell us what you liked about the book, what impact it had on your life, maybe a quote you lived and loved. how much you paid for it. Anything that lets us understand you better, cause we don't get you at all, and frankly, you scare some of us. When you have it narrowed down to the best 10, send it to me   here  and I will post your list for all the right-thinking people around the world to see.  Please remember to not forget to remember to send this to me. Your lists are what helps me through the dark times (when Castle is not on). And I actually get exercise doing the pointing and laughing thing so its healthy for me. Add any predictions you wish to make for most cited book: will it be A Hitchhikers Guide, or How to Solve Sudoku.  Maybe Naked Lunch by Burroughs, or Ball Four by Jim Bouton. I'm sure there will be some matches between people's lists. One hint from my list: David and the Phoenix by Edward Ormondroyd. Simply the most important book ever written. Ever. Written. I'm just saying. 

The clock is running - You may now begin - Time's a wasting - Have you even started yet?

As they say at the Bulls games, "Come On!!!!!!".    Or as Venkman says, "See you on the other side, Ray".

Mary - no excuses this time. Publish or die (of a thousand snaky Whimzy licks). No wallflowering this time.

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