Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Steve Glass's Top 25 Songs

1. Money for Nothing - Dire Straits
Summer college work crew

2. Red Barchetta - Rush
Evocative lyrics

3. While My Guitar Gently Weeps - George Harrison

4. Turn the Page - Bob Seger
This song has pretty much been ruined by karaoke

5. Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress - The Hollies

6. Take Five - Dave Brubeck
Musical definition of cool!

7. Further On Up the Road - Eric Clapton

8. City of New Orleans - Arlo Guthrie

9. Eine Kleine Nachtmusik - Mozart

10. Radar Love - Golden Earring

11. We've Got Tonight - Bob Seger

12. Wonderful Tonight - Eric Clapton

13. Night Train - Oscar Peterson

14. Ashokan Farewell - Jay Ungar

15. Witch Hunt - Rush
Great lyrics

16. Ba Ba O'Riley - The Who

17. Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald - Gordon Lightfoot
THE american shipwreck dirge

18. Kashmir - E Muzeki
(Thanks for pointing me in the right direction with the video, Steve. -ed)

19. Middle of the Road - The Pretenders
Great when in college, still meaningful as I get older.

20. Eruption/ You Really Got Me - Van Halen
OK its a remake, but this represents the high water mark of Eddie Vanhalen, after this he becomes hard to work with and David Lee Roth never matures:)

21. The Trees - Rush
More great lyrics

22. Star of the County Down - The Burly Minstrels

23. Sunday Bloody Sunday - U2

24. I Don't Care Anymore - Phil Collins

25. Sailing - Christopher Cross


  1. "THE American shipwreck dirge" is by far my favorite explanation from any list. Also, huge points for The Trees. Great song

  2. Mozart?! Steve I never knew.

  3. Sure Mozart!:) Also I have to say the Kashmir video was the best I could find after a hour or so of looking, apparently low quality video is the norm at Ren fairs. They are VERY good live.


  4. As I listen to classical music I can't help but have silly cartoons intrude now and again. Bugs Bunny and company were notorious. I bet classical musicians just cringed!
